


本政策适用于我方合法拥有并运营的、标注名称为“随申行”的APP、随申行官网(https://www.shmaas.cn/)、公众号、小程序等平台向您提供的产品与服务,以及适用于作为第三方服务集成在其他第三方智能硬件、软件或服务中的“随申行”应用中的部分功能/服务(前述产品与服务体系亦简称 “平台”或“随申行”)。




































您成功注册为我方用户后,您可以选择绑定第三方账号用于快捷登录,我方将通过第三方账号接口(含随申办、微信、支付宝、Apple ID)间接获得的方式访问、收集您明示授权后的个人信息(若选择绑定微信或支付宝账号,将获取昵称、头像;若选择绑定随申办账号,将获取用户名、头像、用户状态、姓名、证件号码、手机号码;若选择绑定Apple ID,将获取用户名、账户邮件地址或手机号码),并将第三方账号与您的随申行账号、手机号码进行绑定。若您拒绝提供本平台从第三方账户接口获取的登录信息,您将无法通过第三方账号进行快捷登录,但您仍可以通过其他方式登录。


后续您登录本应用时,您可以选择手机验证登录:在此方式下,您需要提供您的手机号码和短信验证码,同时同意我方对您提供的登录信息进行有效性核验;您也可以选择第三方账号(含随申办、微信、支付宝、Apple ID)授权登录:在此方式下,我们将收集您的第三方账号信息(若选择绑定微信或支付宝账号,将获取昵称、头像;若选择绑定随申办账号,将获取用户名、头像、用户协议、姓名、证件号码、手机号码;若选择绑定Apple ID,将获取用户名、账户邮件地址或手机号码)。





(1)若您选择支付宝账户认证,需要提供您的姓名、身份证号码验证通过后 ,使用您的面部识别特征进行人脸识别验证身份(特别说明:我方不存储用户的面部识别特征,仅调用第三方接 口进行验证)。

















当您使用出租车、网约车、自动驾驶和代驾服务的的叫车服务时,还需要提供您的设备信息(包括设备型号、操作系统版本、设备设置、MAC地址及IMEI、IDFA、OAID、Android ID、IDFV等设备标识符、SIM卡IMSI信息、SIM卡归属地、设备环境、移动应用列表等软硬件特征信息),我们会向进行提供联调客服服务的合作方传递您的设备信息,便于其在线客服可以查询到您的设备状态,及时解决纠纷。
























您使用道路救援服务(包括一键拖车服务)时,需要提供您所填写的联系人姓名、手机号码、车牌信息、道路救援订单信息及订单状态、支付信息 ,我们会向提供救援服务的合作方传递您的相关信息,如您不提供前述信息,您将无法使用道路救援服务。 如您填写的联系人不是您本人,您应保证联系人同意我们按照本政策所述目的收集使用其个人信息。











如您选择公交、地铁、轮渡等出行方式,为了对您的碳减排量和碳积分进行计算、统计、发放,便于您在上海市绿色出行碳普惠平台兑换权益,我们将在您注册上海市绿色出行碳普惠平台账户后,收集您的用户 ID、用户名、姓名、性别、脱敏后的手机号码、脱敏后的身份证号、注册设备 ID、城市编码、城市名称、订单信息、行程信息、支付信息等。











(1)为防控运营风险,保障您的账号安全、交易安全以及系统运行安全,满足法律法规和我们协议规则的相关要求,保护您或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,更好地预防钓鱼网站、欺诈、网络漏洞、计算机病毒、网络攻击、网络侵入及其他安全风险,更准确地识别违反法律法规或本应用相关协议、规则的情况。我们将收集您的设备信息(包括设备型号、操作系统版本、设备设置、MAC地址及IEI、IDFA、OAID、Android ID、IDFV等设备标识符、SIM卡IMSI信息、SIM卡归属地、设备环境、移动应用列表等软硬件特征信息)、日志信息(包括本APP的浏览记录,检索内容,点击查看记录,交易记录,IP地址,浏览器类型,电信运营商,使用语言,访问日期和时间,运行中进程信息)、您通过我们的服务进行通讯的信息,包括曾通讯的账号。


(3)为了保障向您提供的服务安全稳定运行,我们需要记录您使用“随申行”服务的类型、方式及设备型号、IP 地址、设备软件版本信息、设备识别码、设备标识符、正在运行的进程信息,应用程序的总体运行情况,所在地区、网络使用情况。如果您不同意我们记录前述信息,可能无法完成风控验证。



















三、我方如何使用Cookie 和同类技术

(一)Cookie 和同类技术

我方可能会通过 Cookies(储存在用户本地终端上的数据)和其他相关技术收集和使用您的信息。我方使用Cookies的具体用途包括:

(1)记住您的身份。Cookies 有助于我方辨认您作为我方的注册用户的身份。


(3)您可以通过浏览器设置拒绝或管理Cookies。但请注意,如果停用 Cookies,您有可能无法享受最佳的服务体验,某些功能的可用性可能会受到影响。












目前,我们的授权合作伙伴包括如下类型:关联公司、供应商、服务提供商和其他合作伙伴。我们将信息发送给支持我们业务的授权合作伙伴,这些支持包括提供基础技术服务、提供咨询、分析在内的系列专业服务。对我们与之共享个人信息的公司、组织和个人,我们会与其签署严格的保密协议以及信息保护约定,要求他们按照我们的说明、本隐私政策以及其他任何相关的保密和安全措施来处理个人信息。您可点击《第三方信息共享清单》 查看第三方共享情况。























3. 您可以在“我的-个人资料”中修改头像、昵称;您可以在“我的-设置-账号与安全”中更换手机号。














2、 在“我的-设置-隐私中心-权限管理”中管理APP使用的系统权限授权。






























































Update Date: May 30, 2024
Effective Date: May 30, 2024

Dear "SH MaaS" user (hereinafter referred to as "You"), in order to facilitate your use of the platform products and services, including the "SH MaaS" application software (hereinafter referred to as "this application"), the platform operator and the owner of this application , Shanghai Mobility Service Technology Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us"), will collect, use, store, and provide your personal information (hereinafter collectively referred to as "processing") in accordance with the provisions of the "SH MaaS" Personal Information Protection and Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy").

This policy applies to the products and services provided to you by the platforms legally owned and operated by us, labeled "SH MaaS", including the APP, SH MaaS official website (https://www.shmaas.cn/), public account, mini-programs, and other platforms. It also applies to certain functions/services within the "SH MaaS" application integrated as a third-party service in other third-party smart hardware, software, or services (the aforementioned product and service system is also referred to as the "platform" or "SH MaaS").

When you use our products or services, we need to process your information according to the relevant laws, regulations, and regulatory policies to provide you with services and improve service quality. Through this policy, we aim to explain to you: what data we collect when you use our products or services, why we collect this data, what we will do with this data, and how we protect this data. This policy is closely related to the products or services you use from us, and it is crucial for you to exercise user rights and protect your personal information. Please carefully read and fully understand the content of this policy (especially the content in bold underline) before using our products or services.

Please read this policy carefully, understand our rules for processing your personal information, and if we update this policy, we will promptly notify you of the updates. If you have any questions, you can contact the official platform hotline【$phoneStr】for consultation. By clicking "Agree" and confirming the submission, you are deemed to agree to the content of this policy (including updated versions) and agree that we process your personal information according to this policy. If you do not agree to any terms in this policy, you should immediately stop accessing and using our platform.

Special Note: When you use third-party services through "SH MaaS", the third party may have its own privacy protection policy. When viewing pages created by third parties or using services developed by third parties, these third parties may place their own cookie or network beacons, which are not under our control. We will make efforts to request these entities to protect your personal information. It is recommended to contact them to get detailed information about their privacy policy. If you find risks in these third-party services, it is advisable to terminate the relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

You can read specific sections of our privacy policy in more detail based on the following index:

I. Principles for the Collection and Processing of Your Personal Information by Us

II. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

III. How We Use cookie and Similar Technologies

IV. How We Share, Transfer, Publicly Disclose, and Entrust the Processing of Your Personal Information

V. How We Store Your Personal Information

VI. How You Can Manage Your Personal Information

VII. Exceptions to Obtaining Authorized Consent

VIII. How We Protect Your Personal Information

IX. How We Protect Information of Minors

X. How Your Personal Information Is Transferred Globally

XI. Our Operational Organization

XII. How This Policy Is Updated

XIII. How to Contact Us

XIV. Other

I. Principles for the Collection and Processing of Your Personal Information by Us

Principles of Legality, Legitimacy, Necessity, and Good Faith.

Mainly refers to: 1. Obtain your or your guardian's consent, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations 2. Collect and process information in accordance with the purposes, methods, and types specified in this policy. 3. Do not process information unrelated to business or handle information in an improper manner. 4. Do not violate laws, regulations, and agreements between the parties.

II. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

(I) Responsibility Statement

This application is only responsible for collecting information necessary for your use of the functions/services provided by this application. According to regulatory requirements, relevant regulatory authorities will collect your relevant information and maintain it based on regulatory needs. For business needs and necessary security certification, the third-party service system may share your Personal information or perform secondary authentication. We are not responsible for any leakage of Personal information at regulatory authorities or third-party service systems.

(II) How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

We will only collect and use your personal information for the following purposes as stated in this policy:

To provide you with the basic functions of our products/services: User registration, login and authentication, account management, QR code boarding, taxi and ride-hailing services, Parking Service, Road Assistance Service, Nearby Maintenance Factory Inquiry Service, Bus Basic Information Inquiry Service, Scenic Spot Ticket Service, User Activities, Security and Data Analysis Service, Public Welfare, you need to authorize us to collect and use the necessary personal information. If you refuse to provide the necessary information, you will not be able to use our products/services normally.

To provide you with expanded or additional functions of our products/services: Service Optimization and Development, you can choose to authorize us to collect and use your other personal information. If you refuse to provide, you will not be able to use the related additional functions or achieve the intended functional effects, but it will not affect your normal use of the basic functions of our products/services.

(III) Scenarios where you need to authorize us to collect and use personal information

1. User registration, login:

For the necessary prevention of malicious programs and secure operations, when you use this application (including the first run of this application), we will collect information about the application process. If you do not perform any registration or login operations later, the aforementioned application process information will not be associated with you personally.

When you only need to browse the main channel or use some services that do not require login, you do not need to register as a user with us and do not need to provide relevant personal information. When you are not logged in, we will not collect your personal information.

(1) Registration service:

When you need to use the user services provided by us, you need to provide your own phone number and SMS verification code for registration and login. After completing the registration, the platform will generate a SH MaaS account for you

(2) Third-party account binding:

After successfully registering as our user, you can choose to bind a third-party account for quick login. We will access and collect your personal information (such as nickname and personal profile for WeChat or Alipay; username, personal profile, user agreement, name, ID number, and phone number for Shanghai Public Services Online) through the third-party account interface (including Shanghai Public Services Online, WeChat, Alipay) in an indirect manner with your explicit authorization. We will then link the third-party account to your SH MaaS account and phone number. If you refuse to provide login information obtained from the third-party account interface, you will not be able to log in quickly using third-party accounts, but you can still log in using other methods.

(3) Login Service

When you log in to this application later, you can choose phone verification login: in this method, you need to provide your phone number and SMS verification code and agree to our verification of the login information you provide. Alternatively, you can choose third-party account (including Shanghai Public Services Online, WeChat, Alipay) authorized login: in this method, we will collect your third-party account information (such as nickname and personal profile for WeChat or Alipay; username, personal profile, user agreement, name, ID number, and phone number for Shanghai Public Services Online).

If you do not provide the above information, we will not be able to provide you with services such as the Shanghai QR code for boarding, real-person authentication, or other services that require login.

2.User Authentication

After you register, you can directly use ordinary user services, including viewing nearby bus and subway information, and using some basic services that do not require real-person authentication. If you need to use taxi services, online car-hailing services, autonomous driving services, shared bike services, or one-code passage services, you will need to undergo user real-person authentication.

Methods of real-person authentication include Alipay account authentication, Hong Kong/Macau/overseas user real-name authentication, bank card real-name authentication, and mobile phone number real-name authentication.

(1) If you choose Alipay account authentication, you need to provide your name and ID card number for verification. After passing the verification, your face recognition features will be used for identity verification (Note: We do not store users' facial recognition features; we only call third-party interfaces for verification).

(2) If you choose Hong Kong/Macau/overseas user real-name authentication, you need to provide your name, document type, and document number:

(3) If you choose bank card real-name authentication, you need to provide your name, ID card number, bank card number, bank-registered mobile number, and SMS verification code for verification. After passing the verification, your face recognition features will be used for identity verification (Note: We do not store users' facial recognition features; we only call third-party interfaces for verification).

(4) If you choose mobile phone number real-name authentication, you need to provide your name, ID card number, mobile phone number, and SMS verification code for verification. After passing the verification, your face recognition features will be used for identity verification (Note: We do not store users' facial recognition features; we only call third-party interfaces for verification).

At the same time, we will identify your gender and age based on the ID card number you provide. The above information contains your personal sensitive information, and you can refuse to provide it. If you refuse to provide the above information, you will not be able to use real-person user services, but it will not affect your use of other services provided by us that do not require real-name authentication.

3. Account and Password Management

(1) Account Information Management

After successfully registering your account, you can improve relevant online identity recognition information according to your needs and the modules opened to users by the platform for filling/modification. This includes nickname, profile picture, real-name authentication status, and identity information (document type, name, document number).

(2) Setting Common Addresses

You can set your common addresses yourself, so that when relevant services involve address searches, you can conveniently fill in the starting and ending points of your trips.

4. Vehicle QR Code Scanning Service

If you need to activate QR code passage services for scenarios such as subway, bus, ferry, and maglev, you need to undergo user real-person authentication. The real-person authentication methods and collected personal information are detailed in "2. User Authentication." If it involves logging in and verifying operations in third-party software, you need to comply with the user agreements and privacy policies of the third-party software. We cannot monitor your actions in third-party software, so you are responsible for such actions. After you pass real-person authentication, we will collect your travel code status. When you use the travel code for subway, bus, ferry, or maglev travel, we will also collect your QR code travel order information.

5.Taxi and Car Hailing Services

(1) Car Hailing

When you use taxi or car-hailing services, you need to provide your location information so that you can access travel-related services or functions based on geographic location, such as getting the pick-up point, recording the route, and map navigation, without manually entering your current location. If you refuse to grant us access to your location information, you will need to manually specify your location, but this won't affect your use of our products and services. You can also revoke or adjust the above authorization at any time through the settings function.

When you use taxi or car-hailing services, before requesting a ride, you need to provide pick-up/drop-off locations for us to arrange a vehicle and estimate arrival time. If you refuse to provide this information, you will be unable to use Taxi and Car Hailing Services.

When using the taxi or car-hailing services, you also need to provide device information (including device model, operating system version, device settings, MAC address, IMEI, IDFA, OAID, Android ID, IDFV, and other device identifiers, SIM card IMSI information, SIM card origin, device environment, mobile application list, and other hardware and software characteristic information). We will transmit your device information to the cooperating customer service partner for joint debugging services, enabling their online customer service to access your device status and promptly resolve disputes.

When using the taxi's proxy car-hailing service, in addition to providing pick-up/drop-off locations, you also need to provide the actual passenger's name and phone number. You should also ensure that the actual passenger agrees to our collection and use of their personal information for the purposes described in this policy. Failure to provide the aforementioned information will prevent you from hailing rides on behalf of others.

(2) Itinerary Recording

Based on legal requirements, local regulations, and due to the need of verifying facts and addressing complaints in case of disputes or safety incidents involving users, or for the purpose of user identity verification for security reasons, we will record the interior and exterior environment during the trip. You need to agree and authorize us to record your itinerary and collect Itinerary Recording information . If you refuse to provide Itinerary Recording information, you will be unable to use Taxi and Car Hailing Services.

(3) Emergency Aid

To facilitate notifying your emergency contacts in case of emergencies, we need to access your contacts. If you refuse to grant us access to your contacts, you can manually enter the names and phone numbers of your emergency contacts. You should also ensure that your emergency contacts agree to our collection of their personal information for the purposes described in this policy. Failure to provide the aforementioned information will prevent us from making notifications.

During your trip, if your personal or property safety is threatened, you can use the Emergency Aid function. When you initiate Emergency Aid through the app, we will immediately provide assistance services and send an emergency notification to your emergency contacts. During this process, we will also collect relevant information, including your trip details (pick-up/drop-off locations, time, travel trajectory/location information, etc.), location information, and Itinerary Recording information.

(4) Itinerary Sharing

When you choose the Itinerary Sharing service, we will collect yourtrip (itinerary) information. If you refuse to provide this information, you cannot share your trip, but it won't affect your use of our other products and services.

(5) Payment Settlement Function

When you make transaction payments, we will collect your name, phone number, ID type, ID number, and bank card information for identity verification and to facilitate the payment service.

When you make transaction payments, you will use services provided by third-party payment partners for payment processing. We will collect payment information such as payment time, payment amount, payment channel, as well as details of charges, order payment status, taxi coupon information, geographical location, device information, and app version number. This information will be used to verify whether you have made payments as agreed, whether the driver has overcharged you, maintain platform transaction order, and handle user disputes according to platform rules.

After completing the payment, we will also collectpayment information such as the payment time, amount, channel, as well as order details, order payment status, taxi coupon information, geographic location, device information, and app version. This information will be used to verify whether you have paid according to the agreement, whether the driver has violated the charging rules, maintain platform transaction order, and handle user disputes according to platform rules.

When you use payment services, you need to authorize the relevant regulatory authorities or provide us with your name, phone number, ID type, ID number, and bank card information for identity verification and to facilitate the payment service.

(6) Order Inquiry and Management

To facilitate your inquiry and management of trip information and order details, we will collect your trip and order information, including but not limited to pick-up/drop-off locations, travel trajectories, and detailed costs. If you refuse to provide the aforementioned information, we will be unable to provide you with Order Inquiry and Management services.

(7) Dispute Resolution

For the sake of addressing the needs of dispute resolution, such as disputes between passengers and drivers, we need to collect your trip information, Itinerary Recording information, payment information, order information, device information, etc. If you refuse to provide abovementioned information, we cannot provide you with our products or services and cannot better protect your rights.

(8) Online Car Hailing Invoice Issuance

If you need to issue an online electronic invoice for a ride-hailing trip, you can apply for it on the platform. We need to collect the name of the billing entity (individual name or company name, unified social credit code) and the email address to receive the invoice. If you refuse to provide the aforementioned information, we will be unable to provide you with an electronic invoice.

The billing entity should be the actual user of the ride-hailing service or the unit they belong to. If the billing entity you provide is not yourself, you should ensure that the billing entity agrees to our collection and use of their personal information as per this policy.

6. Parking Service

(1) Recommended Parking Lot Service

To facilitate recommending nearby parking lots and navigation to you, we will collect yourlocation information. If you refuse to provide the aforementioned information, you cannot use the mentioned services, but it won't affect your use of our other products and services.

(2) Parking Lot Payment, Off-Peak Sharing, Reservation, and Other Services

If you use relevant services provided by parking lots in cooperation with us, for ease of querying parking fees, signing up for off-peak sharing, and parking reservations, we will collect your license plate number andparking order information. If you refuse to provide the aforementioned information, you cannot use the mentioned services, but it won't affect your use of our other products and services.

7. Road Assistance Service

When you use Road Assistance Service (including one-click towing service), you need to provide the contact person's name, phone number, license plate information, Road Assistance order information and status, and payment information that you fill out. We will transmit your relevant information to the cooperating partner providing rescue services. If you do not provide the aforementioned information, you cannot use the Road Assistance Service. If the contact person you provide is not yourself, you should ensure that the contact person agrees to our collection and use of their personal information as per this policy.

8. Nearby Maintenance Factory Inquiry Service

To facilitate your inquiry about nearby repair shops and navigation, we will collect your location information. If you refuse to provide the aforementioned information, you cannot use the mentioned service, but it won't affect your use of our other products and services.

9. Bus Basic Information Inquiry Service

When you use Bus Basic Information Inquiry Service, we will collect your geographic location information and, through information sharing with our partners, provide you with basic information query services for bus stops, bus routes, and real-time bus information.

10. Scenic Spot Tickets Service

When you use the scenic tickets service to purchase tickets for attractions, we will collect your departure date, ticket quantity, visitor information (ID type, name, ID number, phone number), order information, etc., to provide you with the ticket purchase service for attractions. If you refuse to provide the aforementioned information, you will be unable to use the aforementioned service. However, this refusal will not affect your use of our other products and services.

11. User Activities

(1) Randomly Selected Mall Service

If you subscribe to the Randomly Selected Mall service to accumulate "DouDou" for redeeming user benefits, we will collect your trip information. To facilitate the delivery of redeemed items, you also need to provide the recipient's name, delivery address, and recipient's phone number. If the recipient is not you, you should ensure that the recipient agrees to the collection of their personal information for the purposes stated in this policy. If you do not provide the aforementioned information, you cannot use the service mentioned above, but it won't affect your use of our other products and services.

(2) Green Travel Carbon Inclusion

If you choose green travel methods such as buses, metro, and ferries, for calculating, summarizing, and issuing carbon reduction and carbon points to you, facilitating your redemption of benefits on the Shanghai Green Travel Carbon Inclusion platform, we will collect your user ID, username, name, gender, desensitized phone number, desensitized ID number, registration device ID, city code, city name, order information, trip information, payment information, etc., after you register on the Shanghai Green Travel Carbon Inclusion platform.

(3) Operation Activities

When you participate in our Operation Activities, to facilitate the public display of activity results, subsequent promotion of the activity, contacting you, and issuing gifts or transfers to you, we will collect your name, mailing address, and contact information. If you do not provide the aforementioned information, you cannot participate in the mentioned Operation Activities, and you will not receive related gifts and transfers, but it won't affect your use of our other products and services.

(4) User Evaluation

If you evaluate related services on this platform, we need to collect your service rating and service review. If you refuse to provide the aforementioned information, it may not be possible to receive feedback on your experience with the related service, but it won't affect your use of our other products and services.

(5) Customer Service

When you contact our customer service team, to facilitate dispute resolution, problem-solving, or feedback to you, we will collect your name, contact information, call details (call content call duration, calling and called phone numbers, and text messages sent through the SH MaaS platform)). If you refuse to provide the aforementioned information, it may prevent us from receiving your opinions or suggestions, or we may be unable to provide feedback on the results, but it won't affect your use of our other products and services.

(6) Others

If you need to apply online for offline delivery or product testing, it is necessary for you to provide contact information, address, or other necessary information to fulfill the service.

We may invite you to participate in surveys related to our products and services.

12. Security and Data Analysis Service

(1) To control operational risks, ensure the security of your account, transaction security, and system operation, meet the relevant requirements of laws, regulations, and our agreement rules, protect the personal and property safety of you, other users, or the public from infringement, better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, network intrusions, and other security risks, and more accurately identify violations of laws, regulations, or agreements and rules related to this application. We will collect your device information (including device model, operating system version, device settings, MAC address and IMEI, IDFA, OAID, Android ID, IDFV, and other device identifiers, SIM card IMSI information, SIM card location, device environment, mobile application list, etc.), log information (including browsing history of this app, search content, click and view records, transaction records, IP address, browser type, telecommunications operator, language used, access date and time, running process information), and information communicated through our services, including accounts you have communicated with.

(2) We may use your account information, integrate device information, relevant network logs, and information shared by government agencies, affiliated companies, and partners to assess the risk of your account, perform identity verification, detect and prevent security incidents, and take necessary recording, auditing, analysis, and disposal measures in accordance with the law.

(3) In order to ensure the secure and stable operation of the services provided to you, we need to record information related to your use of the "SH MaaS" service. This includes the type and method of service usage, device model, IP address, device software version, device identification code, device identifier, running process information, overall application operation, location, and network usage. If you do not agree to the recording of the aforementioned information, it may hinder the completion of risk control verification.

13. Public Welfare

In response to the needs of public welfare, especially during unexpected public health events or emergencies aimed at protecting the life, health, and property safety of individuals, when you use functions or services related to public welfare, including but not limited to "Sui Shen Ma," you may be required to provide necessary information. This information includes your name, ID number, phone number, identification photo, and facial biometric information, which is essential for us to implement relevant regulatory measures.

(IV) Scenarios for Authorizing Collection and Use of Personal Information:

14.Service Optimization and Development

We collect and correlate information about your use of our products, services, and the way in which you use them, as necessary to fulfill business requirements or interaction design changes, including:

(1) Log Information: When you use our website or client-provided products or services, we automatically collect detailed information about your usage as part of network log preservation. This includes search query content, accessed service records, access date and time, service request status, and network conditions.

It's important to note that isolated log information cannot identify the specific identity of an individual. If we combine this non-personal information with other information to identify the specific identity of an individual, or if it is used in conjunction with personal information, during the combination period, this non-personal information will be treated as personal information. Except as authorized by you or as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, such personal information will be anonymized and de-identified.

(2) Communication Records: When you contact us, we may retain your communication/call records and content or the contact information you provide. This helps us get in touch with you, assist in problem resolution, or record the handling process and results of relevant issues.

(3) Better Meeting Your Needs: We use the collected information to meet your specific requirements (if the user is not logged in, personalized recommendation services do not exist). This includes language settings, location settings, improved help services and guidance, or other responses to you and other users.

(4) We use the collected information to provide you with more relevant services and offer features or services you may be interested in. At the same time, for decisions that may significantly impact your personal rights in certain personalized services, you have the right to request an explanation from us and the right to refuse decisions made solely through automated means.

(5) Statistical Analysis: When you use services such as "Bus Basic Information Inquiry Service", we will use your gender and age to facilitate statistical analysis of the gender ratio and age distribution of the user population corresponding to this service. This helps us create statistical data that is difficult to identify with other information regarding your personal identity.

15. Additional Notes:

If you wish to use certain optional features or services, you must also provide the necessary information for the use of such features or services. This may include gender, date of birth, place of birth, household registration location, ethnic, etc. Before you use these features or services, we will inform you and obtain your consent. In other scenarios where information collection is necessary, if the usage scenario is not directly related to the initial scenario, we will re-obtain your consent before using the information.

With your authorized consent or as required by laws and regulations or regulatory requirements, we may use your personal information for other purposes. The information bolded, underlined, and in black font above represents your sensitive personal information, and we will collect abovementioned information only with your explicit and separate consent. If you do not agree to provide abovementioned information, you will be unable to enjoy the corresponding functions or services, but it will not affect your use of other service functions. Objectively, we cannot guarantee 100% security. In the event that your sensitive personal information is leaked or unlawfully used due to force majeure, it may compromise your dignity or endanger your personal and property security.

After collecting your Personal Information, we will use technical means to de-identify, encrypt, or anonymize your information. Through de-identification, encryption, or anonymization, the information will be rendered unidentifiable regarding your specific identity.

(V) System Permissions:

During your use of the service, we may also need you to provide the following necessary system permissions to complete the service. Please be aware that agreeing to this policy does not automatically enable the corresponding device permissions. When it comes to important or sensitive device permissions, we will request your consent again through a separate pop-up when you use the corresponding business functions before enabling them. After the permissions are granted, you can also turn off permissions at any time through the device settings. Not agreeing to enable permissions will not affect the normal use of other unrelated business functions. The device permissions that may be requested and the scenarios involved are as follows:

1.Location Permission: Required for using location-based services in this application, such as navigation services, real-time public transportation, taxi/car-hailing location pinpointing, nearby parking recommendations, viewing institution information based on location, and locating specialty provinces and cities.

2.Notification Permission: Required to receive system message notifications.

3.Microphone Permission: Required for voice search functionality.

4.Device Reading, Storage, and Camera Permissions: Required for inputting relevant information, uploading or downloading images during online transactions.

5.Bluetooth Permission: Required for using the public transportation feature.

6.Camera (Photo/Video) Permission: Required for 1) scanning QR codes; 2) ID card recognition; 3) uploading photos; 4) facial recognition authentication.

7.Camera (Library) Permission: Required for 1) scanning QR codes; 2) ID card recognition; 3) uploading photos.

8.Phone Permission: Required for making phone calls within the app.

9.Clipboard Content Access Permission: Required to help developers provide information sharing and jump functions, allowing users to share or receive shared information.

10.Network Communication Permission: Required when accessing various services provided by our app's server system through our client.

III. How We Use Cookie and Similar Technologies

(I) Cookie and Similar Technologies:

We may collect and use your information through cookie (data stored on the user's local device) and other related technologies. The specific purposes for using cookie include:

(1) Remembering Your Identity: Cookie help us recognize you as a registered user.

(2) Analyzing Your Use of Our Services: This helps us provide more thoughtful personalized services, including customized pages and recommendations.

(3) Browser Settings for Cookie: You can refuse or manage cookie through your browser settings. However, please note that disabling cookie may affect the availability of certain features, and you may not enjoy the optimal service experience.

(4) Information Recorded by Cookie in This App: The information recorded by cookie in this application is subject to this privacy policy.


To ensure the implementation and stable operation of SH MaaSAPP's related functions and applications, we may integrate software development kits (SDKs) provided by third parties to achieve specific purposes. Regarding how third parties collect and use your personal information, we recommend that you refer to the relevant service agreements and personal information processing rules of the third-party SDK. You can access the information collection, usage, and protection rules of third parties through the following link, and this text is only a reiteration. If you choose not to provide the mentioned information, you may not be able to use the corresponding service, but it will not affect your use of other services we provide. Please note that the responsibility for protecting information collected by third-party SDKs lies with the third parties. Refer to the privacy policies of the respective third parties for related information.

During the provision of our services, we may also collect the following information through third-party SDKs:

1. Scenario: Map

SDK Name: Gaode Maps

Third-party Name: Amap Software Co., Ltd

Purpose: Map display, location tracking of people and vehicles, navigation, address search, voice, recommending nearby public transportation and parking lots.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, MEID, MAC address, OAID, IMSI, hardware serial number, sensor information, Bluetooth information, etc.), network information (IP address, WiFi status, WiFi parameters, WiFi list, base station information, etc.), location information (GNSS information, latitude and longitude, precise location, rough location, etc.). Location information collection frequency: Android system defaults to every 2 seconds, business is every 5 seconds; iOS system is based on the system's own rules, reading whenever the location changes.

Privacy Policy Link: Gaode Maps Open Platform Privacy Policy | Gaode Maps API

Contact: 4008100080

2. Scenario: One-click Login with Local Number

(1) SDK Name: Alibaba Cloud Number Authentication

Third-party Name: Aliyun Computing Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Achieve one-click login and verification with the local number.

Personal Information Involved: Network type, device information (including IP address, device manufacturer, device model, phone operating system, IDFV, SIM card or International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) information, location information, etc.), log information, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: https://terms.aliyun.com/legal-agreement/terms/suit_bu1_ali_cloud/suit_bu1_ali_cloud202112211045_86198.html

Contact: dypns_aliyun@alibabacloud.com

(2) SDK Name: China United Network One-click Login

third-party Name: China United Network Communication Group Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Identify the user's China United Network Communication phone number for quick login

Personal information involved: Local mobile phone number, network type, network address, carrier type, International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), SIM card quantity, mobile device type, mobile operating system, hardware manufacturer, screen size, screen resolution information, anonymized user identifier generated based on mobile device type (UAID), device identification code.

Privacy Policy Link: https://opencloud.wostore.cn/authz/resource/html/disclaimer.html?fromsdk=true

Contact: 4000096800

(3) SDK Name: China Telecom One-click Login

Third-party Name: Tianyi Digital Life Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Identify the user's China Telecom phone number for quick login.

Personal Information Involved: Local phone number, International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), application process information, network connection type, network status information, network address, carrier type, phone device type, phone device manufacturer, phone operating system type and version.

Privacy Policy Link: https://e.189.cn/sdk/agreement/content.do?type=main&appKey=E_189&hidetop=true&returnUrl=

Contact: id@189.cn

(4) SDK Name: China Mobile One-click Login

Third-party Name: China Internet Corporation

Purpose: Identify the user's China Mobile phone number for quick login.

Personal Information Involved: Network type, network address, carrier type, local phone number, phone device type, phone operating system, hardware manufacturer, International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), and SIM card quantity, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: https://wap.cmpassport.com/resources/html/contract2.html

Contact: 10086

3. Scenario: Third-party Account Login

SDK Name: Sui Shen Ban Citizen Cloud

Third-party Name: Shanghai SMMAIL Info Serv Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Quickly log in by binding the user's Sui Shen Ban Citizen Cloud account.

Personal Information Involved: Username, profile photo, name, ID number, phone number, facial biometric information, bank card number, bank card type.

Privacy Policy Link: https://api.eshimin.com/privacyPolicy/privacyPolicy/toPrivayPolicy

Contact: 12345

4. Scenario: Third-party Account Login, Information Sharing, Third-party Payment

SDK Name: WeChat

Third-party Name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited

Purpose: Bind the user's WeChat account for quick login; provide users with the ability to share to the WeChat platform; provide WeChat payment functionality.

Personal Information Involved: Hardware device model, terminal system type, device identification code, software version information in use, software language settings information, IP address, region, mobile network information, standard network log data and network usage habits, as well as operational records of using Tencent's financial services.

Privacy Policy Link: https://support.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmsupportacctnodeweb-bin/pages/ONwPihxKd82RAkIJhttps://www.tenpay.com/v3/helpcenter/low/privacy.shtml

Contact: weixin-open@qq.com

5. Scenario: Third-party Account Login, Third-party Payment

SDK Name: Alipay

Third-party Name: Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Bind the user's Alipay account for quick login; provide users with Alipay payment functionality.

Personal Information Involved: Common device information (including IMEI, IMSI, SIM card serial number/MAC address, Android ID, SSID, BSSID, device basic information [model/manufacturer, etc.], network information, system information).

Privacy Policy Link: https://opendocs.alipay.com/open/01g6qmhttps://render.alipay.com/p/c/k2cx0tg8

Contact: 95188

6. Scenario: Message Push

(1) SDK Name: Huawei Push

Third-party Name: Huawei Software Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to Huawei phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Application basic information, in-app device identifiers, device hardware information, system basic information, and system setting information.

Privacy Policy Link: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/development/HMSCore-Guides/sdk-data-security-0000001050042177

Contact: devConnect@huawei.com

(2) SDK Name: Xiaomi Push

Third-party Name: Beijing Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to Xiaomi phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Device identifiers (OAID, IMEI, and encrypted Android ID), application information using the push service such as application package name, version number, and running status, device-related information such as device manufacturer, device model, device memory, operating system version, Xiaomi Push SDK version, device location (country or region), SIM card carrier name, current network type.

Privacy Policy Link: https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822

Contact: developer@xiaomi.com

(3) SDK Name: Meizu Push

Third-party Name: Meizu Telecom Equipment Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to Meizu phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (including device name, device model, region and language settings, device identification code (IMEI number, etc.), device hardware information and status, usage habits, IP address, MAC address, operating system version, and settings information for devices accessing services), application information (including application list, application version, application status record [download, install, update, delete], software identification code, and application settings [such as region/language/time zone/font]), log information (including access time, access frequency, access duration, access IP address, search query words, and event information [such as errors, crashes, restarts, upgrades]), location information (related to the use of location-based services, including country code, city code, mobile network code, latitude and longitude, device location, WiFi geographic location information), etc.

Privacy Policy Link: http://static.meizu.com/resources/term/privacy8.html

Contact: DPO@meizu.com

(4) SDK Name: OPPO Push

Third-party Name: Guangdong Huantai Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to OPPO phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Device-related information (such as IMEI number, Serial Number, IMSI, User ID, Android ID, Google Advertising ID, phone Region settings, device model, phone battery level, phone operating system version, and language), application information of using push services (such as APP package name and version number, running status), push SDK version number, network-related information (such as IP or domain connection results, current network type), message sending results, notification bar status (such as notification bar permissions, user click behavior), lock screen status (such as whether the screen is locked, whether lock screen notifications are allowed).

Privacy Policy Link: https://open.oppomobile.com/wiki/doc#id=10288

Contact: privacy@heytap.com

(5) SDK Name: VIVO Push

Third-party Name: Vivo Mobile Communication Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Push messages to VIVO phone users.

Personal Information Involved: Operating system version number, application program information, device identifiers (such as IMEI number, SIM and IMSI, mobile country code, and VIVO Android device's mobile network number, etc.), MAC address, mobile carrier, language in use, system settings, etc. system, device, and application program data, log information, location information, Cookie, and tracking information.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.vivo.com.cn/about-vivo/privacy-policy

Contact: push@vivo.com

7. Scenario: Data Statistics

SDK Name: Bugly

Third-party Name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited

Purpose: Record and repair crash information.

Personal Information Involved: Log information (including third-party developer custom logs, Logcat logs, and APP crash stack information), device information (phone model, phone brand, system version, API level, manufacturer system version, CPU attributes, whether the device is rooted, whether it is jail broken, disk space usage size, sd card space usage size, memory space usage size, runtime phone status), device ID (including Android id and IDFV), SIM integrated circuit card identification code, network information, system name, system version, and country code.

Privacy Policy Link: https://privacy.qq.com/document/preview/fc748b3d96224fdb825ea79e132c1a56

Contact: Dataprivacy@tencent.com

8. Scenario: Operational Risk Prevention

(1) SDK Name: Tongdun

Third-party Name: Tongdun Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Device recognition for risk control.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (including IMSI, IMEI, Android ID, SIM integrated circuit card identification code (ICCID), MAC address, device type, device model, system type, login IP address, application installation list information, previously visited pages, browser type, etc.), network information, location information, gateway address (DHCP), WiFi subnet mask.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.tongdun.cn/other/privacy/id=1

Contact: service@tongdun.cn

(2) SDK Name: Geetest

Third-party Name: Wuhan Jiyi Internet Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Login behavior graphic verification.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (device system information, device manufacturer information, device model, device brand, etc.), network information (device network connection status and type, etc.), device environment information (device screen size, device battery charging status, device battery level, device jailbreak identification, device debugging identification, etc.), user biometric trajectory information (user-generated sliding, clicking, mouse moving trajectories during the verification process), verification timestamp, installation package name, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.geetest.com/Private

Contact: service@geetest.com

(3) SDK Name: IPV4 County-level Location Query Service System V1.0

Third-party Name: Evan (Dalian) Technology Service Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Big data analysis of user access source locations.

Personal Information Involved: IP address information of user network access.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.ipplus360.com/privacy-policy

Contact: yangxuxian@ipplus360.com

(4) SDK Name: Volcano Engine

Third-party Name: Beijing Volcano Engine Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Identify abnormal user devices and monitor the web.

Personal Information Involved: Device information (device ID, device MAC address, hardware serial number, device brand, device model, operating system, operating system API, system time zone, screen density, screen resolution, disk usage, memory usage, running thread count, CPU information, mobile device country code, mobile device network code, device DPI; Android: Android ID, device brand, operating system API version, user agent, battery level, network traffic, device ABI, ROM; iOS: Jailbreak status, IDFV), application information (application version, application package name, process start time, log type, crash event, crash process, build-id, crash scene, crash time, crash thread name, names of pages visited, stack of all threads in the current process, application service log information, application file name, application file size, disk size; Android: fd list; iOS: application language, application release channel), system and network recognition information (user ID, IP address, session data, carrier information, network access mode).

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.volcengine.com/docs/6431/69429

Contact: 400-850-0030

9. Scenario: Real-person Authentication

SDK Name: UniTrust Unified Identity Authentication

Third-party Name: Shanghai Electronic Certificate Authority Center Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Used for Real-person Authentication.

Personal Information Involved: Name, identity proof (ID card/passport, etc.), phone number, email address, biometric information (portrait, iris, etc.), bank card number.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.sheca.com/assets/wwx/laws.html

Contact: 021-962600

10. Scenario: Travel Services

(1) SDK Name: Secco Travel

Third-party Name: Shanghai Secco Travel Technology Service Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Used for travel services.

Personal Information Involved: Identity information (name, nickname, gender, age, ID card information and other identification information, commonly used address, email address, phone number, emergency contact information), location information, platform operation information (device information, log information), order information and transaction status, itinerary information, payment information, audio and video information, sensor information, address book permissions, etc.

Privacy Policy Link: https://marketing.saicmobility.com/cms-help/driver/privacyPolicy.html#:~:text=%E6%9C%AC%E9%9A%90%E7%A7%81%E5%8D%8F%E8%AE%AE%EF%BC%88%E4%BB%A5%E4%B8%8B,%E5%85%B3%E7%9A%84%E4%BA%A7%E5%93%81%E6%88%96%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1%E3%80%82

Contact: 400-856-6666

(2) SDK Name: Hello Travel

Third-party Company Name: Shenzhen Hello Mobile Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose: Used for travel services.

Personal Information Involved: Android ID, IMEI, IMSI, MAC address, SSID, hardware serial number, Bluetooth device address IP personal information, device location-related information (IP address, GPS location), latitude and longitude information, camera permissions, Bluetooth permissions.

Privacy Policy Link: https://m.hellobike.com/ebike-h5/latest/article.html?guid=caf29f866e90410e8212b689bdb9bcb5

Contact: Email to sec@hellobike.com or call Hello Platform customer service at 95175177

In the future, we will adjust SDK access based on business development and feature development. We will promptly inform you of the latest situation of third-party SDK access. Please note that third-party SDKs may have information processing changes due to version upgrades, policy adjustments, etc. Please refer to their official statements for accurate information.

IV. How We Share, Transfer, Publicly Disclose, and Entrust the Processing of Your Personal Information


We will not share your personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside of our own organization. However, since many services are provided by third-party systems, there may be situations where your personal information is shared with affiliated companies, partners, and other third parties. We will adhere to the following principles:

1. Sharing with Explicit Consent: We will share your Personal Information with other parties only with your explicit consent.

2. Sharing in Legal Circumstances: We may share your Personal Information externally based on legal requirements, regulatory demands, litigation dispute resolution needs, or requests from administrative or judicial authorities in accordance with the law.

3. Facilitating Services or Dispute Resolution: In certain situations, sharing your Personal Information is necessary to facilitate the processing of services or assist in resolving disputes or conflicts between you and others.

4. Sharing with Authorized Partners: We may share some of your Personal Information with partners to provide better customer service and optimize user experience. We will only share Personal Information necessary for providing services for legitimate, justifiable, and essential purposes. Our partners are not authorized to use the shared Personal Information for any other purposes.

Presently, our authorized partners include the following types: affiliated companies, suppliers, service providers, and other partners. We send information to authorized partners supporting our business, including a range of professional services such as providing basic technical services, consulting, and analytics. For companies, organizations, and individuals with whom we share Personal Information, we sign strict confidentiality agreements and information protection agreements, requiring them to process Personal Information according to our instructions, this privacy policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. Specific sharing scenarios are as follows:

(1) When you use this service, we share your name, ID card number, and QR code boarding order information with the Suishen Code platform (operating entity: Shanghai SMMAIL Info Serv Co., Ltd., contact: 12345) to facilitate your use of metro, bus, ferry, and maglev scenarios for QR code passage services.

(2) When you use taxi services, we share your desensitized phone number, location information, device information, order information and transaction status, payment information, and certain information related to dispute complaints with the Shencheng Travel platform (operating entity: Shanghai Secco Intelligent Transportation Technology Co., Ltd., contact: 400-920-8282) to facilitate the provision of taxi services by Shencheng Travel platform.

(3) When you use ride-hailing services, we share your phone number, location information, order information and transaction status, payment information, and certain information related to dispute complaints with the Xiangdao Travel platform (operating entity: Shanghai Secco Travel Technology Service Co., Ltd., contact: 400-821-8866) to facilitate the provision of ride-hailing services by the Xiangdao Travel platform. If you need to obtain an invoice for ride-hailing, we will also share the billing information (billing individual's name or business name and unified social credit code), email, and other information provided by you with the Xiangdao Travel platform to facilitate the provision of ride-hailing billing services.

(4) When you use parking services, we share your location information, parking payment order information, parking reservation order information, and off-peak order information with the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission (contact: 962319) to provide you with parking lot inquiry, parking payment, parking reservation, off-peak shared signing services.

(5) Road Assistance Service: When you use road assistance services, we share your order information, order status, and payment information with Shanghai Rutting Information Technology Co., Ltd., to provide you with road assistance services.

(6) Legal Requirements: We may share your personal information externally based on legal regulations or mandatory requirements from government agencies, regulatory bodies, or judicial authorities.

(II) Transfer

We will not transfer your Personal Information to any company, organization, or individual. Exceptions include:

1. Prior Consent: With your prior consent.

2. Organizational Adjustments: In accordance with national policy arrangements or legal regulations, we, as well as relevant government agencies, may undergo organizational adjustments, asset allocations, transfers, or similar transactions, and your information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, notify you before the transfer, ensure the security of information during the transfer, and require the new entity holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy. Otherwise, we will request the entity to seek your authorization and consent again.

(III) Public Disclosure

Without your consent, we will not publicly disclose your information, except in the following cases:

1. Prior Consent: With your prior consent.

2. Legal Compliance and Safeguarding Interests: If we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously violated our relevant agreement rules, or to protect our or the public's personal and property safety from infringement, we may, in accordance with laws and regulations, comply with court judgments, rulings, or other legal procedures, comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or other competent authorities, or publicly disclose your Personal Information based on our relevant agreement rules. This includes information about the violation and the measures we have taken against you.

(IV) Entrusted Processing

To improve information processing efficiency, reduce information processing costs, or enhance information processing accuracy, during website maintenance, data analysis, advertising services, audits, and other similar services, we may entrust capable third parties (including our affiliated companies or other professional organizations) to process information on our behalf (within the scope of your authorized consent, and these third parties will only know your personal information for the purpose of providing services to us or representing us in certain activities). We will require the entrusted company to comply with strict confidentiality obligations and take effective confidentiality measures through written agreements, on-site audits, etc. Prohibiting them from using this information for purposes not authorized by you. When the entrustment relationship is terminated, the entrusted company will no longer retain personal information. We promise to be responsible for this.

V. How We Store Your Personal Information

Personal Information collected and generated by us in the People’s Republic of China (excluding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan region) will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

During your use of this application service, we will continuously store your Personal Information. We determine the storage period of personal information mainly based on the following criteria, and the longer one will prevail:

1. Necessary for Agreement Execution: For the purpose of executing relevant service agreements, this policy, maintaining public welfare, handling complaints/disputes, and protecting the personal and property safety or legal rights and interests of our customers, our affiliated companies, other users, or employees.

2. Extended Period with Your Consent: The longer period you agree to.

3. Compliance with Legal Requirements: Compliance with court judgments, rulings, or other legal procedures.

4. Special Legal Regulations and Regulatory Requirements: Other special legal regulations and regulatory provisions with retention periods.

Our retention period for your personal information is no less than 2 years. After the retention period expires, we will delete the collected information. If it is technically difficult to delete personal information, we will cease processing it beyond storage and implement necessary security measures.

VI. How You Can Manage Your Personal Information

(I) Access, Copy, Correct, and Supplement Your Personal Information

1. After logging into this application, you can view your profile photo, account name, nickname, real-person verification status, and identity information (credential type, name, ID number) in "My - Personal Profile". In "My - Settings - Account and Security", you can check the bound phone number.

2. If you need to copy your personal information, you can export it in "My - Settings - Privacy Center - Personal Information Viewing and Export" section within our application, or contact our official service hotline to reach customer service. After verifying your identity, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information in our application (including basic profile and identity information), except where prohibited by laws and regulations or specified otherwise in this policy.

3. You can modify your profile photo and nickname in "My - Personal Profile". In "My - Settings - Account and Security - Change Login Password", you can change the login password. You can also change the phone number in "My - Settings - Account and Security".

4. Correct and Supplement Your Personal Information: If you find that the information about you processed by this application is incorrect or incomplete and cannot be corrected or supplemented by yourself, please call our official service hotline for correction or supplementation.

(II) Delete Your Personal Information

To ensure the security of your personal information in the application, online deletion of personal information permissions has not been opened. If you want to delete some or all of your Personal Information, you can call our official service hotline for assistance. At the same time, if personal information involves third parties due to sharing, transfer, disclosure, etc., the third party will also be unable to continue to obtain or retain your personal information.

You can request the deletion of Personal Information from us in the following situations:

(1) If the purpose of processing your personal information by us has been achieved, cannot be achieved, or is no longer necessary for achieving the processing purpose.

(2) If you withdraw your consent.

(3) If we violate laws, regulations, or agreements in processing your personal information.

(4) If you no longer use our products or services.

(5) If we no longer provide products or services to you, or the retention period has expired.

(6) Other circumstances as provided by laws and administrative regulations.

After you delete information from our service, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system. However, we will delete this information when the backup is updated. During this period, we will stop processing beyond storage and take necessary security measures.

(III) Change the Scope of Your Authorized Consent or Withdraw Your Authorization

You can change or withdraw your consent to collect and process your personal information in the following ways:

1. Manage authorization in "My- Settings - Privacy Center - Agreement Authorization".

2. Manage the system permission authorization used by the app in "My - Settings - Privacy Center - Permission Management".

3. Manage the system permission authorization you use through the device system permission management page.

4. Revoke authorization by modifying personal information, deleting personal information, or closing functions.

When you withdraw consent or authorization, it may result in us no longer being able to provide services corresponding to the withdrawn consent or authorization. However, withdrawing consent or authorization does not affect the processing of personal information based on your prior consent or authorization.

After you withdraw consent or authorization, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, the information provided or generated by you during the use of our services still needs to be anonymized and retained for the time required by laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements. During this legally required retention period, the relevant regulatory authorities still have the right to query in accordance with the law.

(IV) User Account Cancellation Management

You can deactivate your account in "Me - Settings - Account & Security - Deactivate Account" or contact customer service to request the deactivation of your account. To protect your legitimate rights and interests, we need to verify your identity before deactivating your account and evaluate whether to support your deactivation request based on your usage of the "SH MaaS" product or service. For example, if there are orders generated through SH MaaS information services in your account, unpaid orders in your ride-hailing function, or if you have not unbound third-party accounts or closed third-party services, we may not immediately support your request.

After you voluntarily deactivate your account, our application systems based on the "SH MaaS" platform will cease to provide products or services to you, and we will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with applicable laws. If deleting personal information is technically difficult, we will anonymize it or stop processing it except for storage and necessary security measures, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.

(V) Explanation of Personal Information Processing Rules

You can call our official service hotline to request an explanation of the personal information processing rules.

(VI) Constraints on Information System Automated Decision-Making

In certain business functions, we may rely solely on algorithm-based non-human automatic decision-making mechanisms to make decisions. You can turn off personalized content recommendations in "My - Settings - Privacy Center - Recommendation Management". If these decisions affect your legitimate rights and interests, you can file a complaint about the automated decision-making results by calling our official service hotline.

(VII) Rights Related to Deceased Individuals

In the event of your passing, your immediate family members may, for their legitimate and lawful interests, exercise the rights related to your personal information as stipulated in this clause, including but not limited to the rights to access, copy, correct, and delete such information; unless you have made other arrangements during your lifetime.

(VIII) Responding to Your Requests Above

To ensure security, you may need to provide a written request or prove your identity in other ways. We may request you to verify your identity and review the legitimacy before processing your request. Please understand that due to technical limitations and legal requirements, some of your requests may not be able to be fulfilled. For certain requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require excessive technical means, pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are highly impractical, we may refuse but will explain the reasons. Despite the above agreements, according to legal requirements, we may not be able to respond to your request in the following situations:

1. Concerning national security and defense.

2. Relating to public safety, public health, and significant public welfare.

3. Relevant to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments.

4. There is sufficient evidence to show your subjective malice or abuse of rights.

5. Responding to your request would cause serious harm to your or other individuals, organizations' legitimate rights and interests.

6. Involving trade secrets.

7. Associated with our fulfillment of legal obligations stipulated by laws and regulations.

If you have any questions about the realization of the above rights, you can contact us using the relevant contact information in "How to Contact Us."

For you, your potential guardian, immediate family members, and other authorized parties who wish to make the aforementioned requests, as well as for the personal information rights as provided by the laws of the People's Republic of China and other applicable laws, you can contact our customer service or directly initiate a complaint with our personal information protection officer. We will respond within 15 days.

VII. Exceptions to Obtaining Authorized Consent

According to relevant laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements, we may process Personal Information without obtaining your prior authorized consent in the following situations:

1. Necessary for signing and fulfilling contracts at your request.

2. Necessary for us to fulfill legal duties or statutory obligations.

3. Necessary to respond to sudden public health events or emergencies to protect the life, health, and property safety of natural persons.

4. Necessary for implementing news reporting and public opinion supervision within a reasonable scope, processing your personal information.

5. Process your personal information within a reasonable scope that you have voluntarily disclosed or has been lawfully disclosed by others.

6. Other situations as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

VIII. How We Protect Your Personal Information

We will make efforts to ensure the security of Personal Information to prevent the loss, improper use, unauthorized access, or public disclosure of information.

(I) To ensure the security of your information, we will use security protection measures that comply with industry standards, as required by relevant laws and regulations and the current level of technology. These measures aim to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, and alteration of your provided Personal Information. We will employ physical, technical, and administrative security measures to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss of data.

For example, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for encrypted transmission over the internet, encrypt stored information, and strictly limit access to data centers. When transmitting and storing sensitive personal information (including personal biometric information), we employ security measures such as encryption, access control, and de-identification.

(II) We have established dedicated departments and formulated emergency plans, including a department responsible for personal information protection. We conduct security impact assessments for personal information collection, usage, sharing, and entrusted processing. Additionally, we have established relevant management systems, applying the principle of least privilege to staff who may access your information. We monitor the actions of staff handling your information systematically and continuously train them on relevant laws, regulations, privacy security guidelines, and enhance security awareness through regular testing. Our network systems undergo evaluation for compliance with national network security level protection. We also annually engage external independent third parties to assess our information security management system.

(III) We have developed an emergency response plan for personal information security incidents. We regularly organize internal personnel for emergency response training and drills to ensure they understand their duties and emergency response strategies and procedures. In the event of a personal information security incident, we will promptly take remedial measures in accordance with legal requirements to effectively prevent information leakage, tampering, loss, and other hazards. We will report the incident to relevant regulatory authorities. If the regulatory authorities believe that the personal information security incident may harm you, we will promptly inform you of the relevant details through app push notifications, emails, or text messages, or release an announcement through reasonable and effective means.

(IV) Internet Environment and User Cooperation: The internet environment is not entirely secure, and we will do our best to ensure the security of your Personal Information. Please understand that due to technical limitations and potential malicious attacks, unforeseen, preventable, controllable accidents may occur. We strongly recommend that you take active measures to protect the security of personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, regularly changing passwords, not providing your account password and related personal information to others, etc., to help us ensure the security of your information.

(V) Protection of User Identity Information: When using our services, we will identify you through your phone number, name, ID number, or other identity verification information. Please ensure the proper safeguarding of this information. If you disclose this information, your account information may be compromised, potentially resulting in the loss of your financial security and other personal rights and interests.

IX. How We Protect Information of Minors

(I). We expect parents or other guardians (hereinafter collectively referred to as "guardians") to guide minors in using our services. We will protect the confidentiality and security of information regarding minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.

(II). If you are over fourteen but under eighteen years old, please use our services or provide information to us under the premise of carefully reading this policy and consider inviting your guardian to guide you in doing so. If you are under fourteen years old (hereinafter referred to as "children"), please have your guardian carefully read this policy and the "SH MaaS" Children's Personal Information Protection Rules and Guardian Instructions, and use our services or provide information to us only with your guardian's consent. If your guardian does not agree to your use of our services or providing information to us according to this policy, please stop using our services immediately and promptly inform us so that we can take appropriate measures.

(III). In cases where we collect information from child users with the guardian's consent, we will only use or disclose this information when permitted by law, explicitly agreed upon by the guardian, or when necessary to protect the child. If a guardian discovers that we have collected a child's Personal Information without parental or guardian consent, please contact our customer service hotline. We will make efforts to promptly delete the relevant data.

(IV). The Real-person authentication information of minors is managed by the real-person authentication management organization. Due to considerations of risk control by the management organization, there may be situations where real-person authentication for minors cannot be completed. In such cases, we will be unable to provide the corresponding services.

X. How Your Personal Information Is Transferred Globally

Personal Information collected by us within the People's Republic of China (excluding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan) will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China. If, due to business needs, it is necessary to transfer your Personal Information overseas, we will:

(I). Obtain your separate authorization and consent and go through the legal procedures to ensure that your Personal Information is sufficiently protected in compliance with applicable laws and regulations at that time.

(II). Abovementioned transfers will be conducted in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations at that time. Even if we obtain your authorization, if the transfer method or purpose does not comply with relevant laws and regulations, we will not proceed with the transfer.

XI. Our Operational Organization

Company Name: Shanghai Mobility Service Technology Co.,Ltd.

Registered Address: Room 71001, 7th Floor, Building 4, No. 789 Tianshan West Road, Changning District, Shanghai

Office Address: Building 2, No. 699 Lingshi Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai

Email of the Person in Charge of Personal Information Protection: sec_shmaas@shmaas.cn

XII. How This Policy Is Updated

In the event of changes to relevant laws and regulations or necessary changes to our services, if we need to modify this policy, we will prompt you again through a pop-up window on the homepage before the revision takes effect. Once confirmed, it will take effect and replace the previous content. If you do not agree with the new modifications, please contact us promptly or stop using the services specified in this policy. If you choose to continue using the relevant services, it will be considered that you fully agree to and accept the new modifications. If objective circumstances and changes in business policies require us to interrupt or cease related services, we will promptly notify you. Please understand and agree to this.

XIII. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this policy or any related complaints, disputes, or opinions, please contact our official service hotline (Official Service Hotline: 【$phoneStr】)for feedback. We will handle your request as soon as possible and respond within 15 working days after verifying your user identity.

XV. Other

(I) Establishment, Effectiveness, Fulfillment, Interpretation, and Dispute Resolution of This Policy: This policy is governed by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China (excluding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan) for the purposes of establishment, effectiveness, fulfillment, interpretation, and dispute resolution.

(II) Dispute Resolution: In case of any disputes over the content or implementation of this policy, you can contact our official service hotline for negotiation. If negotiation fails, you can also file a lawsuit with the competent People's Court in the jurisdiction of Changning District, Shanghai, where we are located.

Special reminder: This English version is translated from the Chinese version. In case of any conflict, the Chinese version shall prevail.